Famous Potato Race - May 14, 2011

Famous Potato Race - May 14, 2011
Support Brenda, Josh and Family in their fight against Lymphoma

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Praising God

Thank you to all who supported Brenda and her family through the Famous Potato Half Marathon in May!!!! We raised a total of 500 dollars to send to Brenda and her family. Money continued to trickle in after the race and so we did not send them the check until the end of last month. They were truly grateful and were blessed to know that people beyond their circle were praying for them and supporting them.

"Thank you for thinking of us! Josh and I are humbled at so many wanting to help our family and many of those that do not know us but are committed to praying for us.  God is truly awesome and provides all our needs! Thanks Lindsey and Jonie!"  -Brenda

Brenda went through her stem cell transplant this past week. Her donor, "Mr. Match" was a German citizen and the cells arrived Wednesday night. Her children and parents got to watch the process of infusion late Wednesday night. From here on out it is a process of helping her body to embrace these new cells. Please be praying for them as they trust God to complete this process. Her journal updates can be found on her caring bridge website. 

Thank you everyone for being a blessing to Brenda and her family and for supporting Jonie and I as we ran our first half marathon. We are truly encouraged by all your support!