Famous Potato Race - May 14, 2011

Famous Potato Race - May 14, 2011
Support Brenda, Josh and Family in their fight against Lymphoma

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We are running to help raise medical support for a woman named Brenda and her family. She is battling large cell anaplastic lymphoma. She is still looking for a donor. So we are also running to raise awareness about donating stem cells. You can follow the link on the right to find out more about becoming a match for someone suffering from cancer.
Brenda and her family will have to move out of state for the summer/fall for the stem cell transplant once she receives a donor. She, her husband and her children are all hoping to stay together for the summer. They have a lot of medical bills from the last few years and will continue to have more. Please consider sponsoring us in the Famous Potato Race in Boise, Idaho on May 14th to raise support.